Friday, January 28, 2011

January 28, 2011

Long time no post :(

Breakfast: 1 egg, 2 egg white, 1 apple, and 1 slice of bacon
Lunch: 3oz chicken, 1 cup grapes, and 2 TBSP Balsamic dressing
Snack 5 carrots, 3 almonds, 2 slices of lunchmeat low sodium ham

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 19 - Friday, January 21

Breakfast: 1 egg, 2 egg whites, spinach, 1 slice bacon, 1/2 grapefruit
Snack: 1B- 1oz steak, 5 baby carrots, 3 Almonds
Lunch: 3 B - 3oz chicken, 2 Tbsp balsamic, 1 cup grapes, 5 baby carrots
Snack: 1B- 1oz steak, 5 baby carrots, 3 Almonds

30 minute run on treadmill - speed varied from 5.5-7

20 min AMRAP
8rds tabata sit up, remaining time
5 push jerk (95/65)
10 pistols alternating
15 bench rows

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 18 - Thursday, January 20th

Breakfast: 630AM - 1 egg and 2 egg whites(2B protein), 4 cups spinach (1B carb), 1 slice bacon (3B fat & 1 B protein), 1 apple (2 B carb)

Snack: 10am - 1 block - 1 oz steak, 5 baby carrots, 3 almonds

Lunch 1 pm - 3 Block - 3 oz chicken, 1 cup grape, 5 baby carrots, and 2 tbsp balsamic dressing

Snack 4 pm - 1 block - 1 oz steak, 5 baby carrots, 3 almonds

Dinner: 3 oz taco meat, nacho chips, and cheese-- worst cheat meal ever, it was disgusting

Strength: Deadlift
PR = 255lb; 90% = 230lb
65% x 5 = 150
75% x 5 =170
85% x AMRAP = 195 (3)

1 K row
50 thrusters (30 lb)
30 pull up
9.48 (red)

10 minutes on Stepper - intense
3 sets of 10-15 DB pick ups with parrallel body
3 sets of 10-15 tricep thingys with __lbs
3 sets of 10-15 reps rope thingys for arms
*i'm very descriptive with the names of my MURN workouts aren't i?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 17 - Wednesday, January 19

Breakfast: 6AM 1 egg & 2 egg whites (2 blocks protein), 1 slice of bacon (3 block fat & 1 protein), 4 cups spinach, 1/2 grapefruit, 1 tbsp ketchup (1/2 carb block), and green tea (16oz)

Snack 930- 1 block - 1/2 apple, 1 oz steak, 3 almonds

Lunch 1230 - 3 blocks - 3 oz chicken (3 B protein), 1 cup grapes (2 B carb), 5 baby carrots (1 B carb), 2 tbsp balsamic dressing (3 B fat)

Snack 330 - 1 B - 1/2 apple (1c), 1 oz steak (1p), 3 almonds (1f)

Dinner 7pm - 4 Blocks - 4 oz ground beef with taco seasoning (4B protein & 2 B fat), 3 cups of green beans (3 B carb), 4 tbsp salsa (1B carb), 6 Almonds (2 F)


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 16- Tuesday, January 18

Breakfast: 7AM : 1 egg and 2 egg whites (2 blocks protein), 1 slice bacon (3 fat blocks and 1 protein block), 2 Tbsp mango salsa (1/2 block carb) , 4 cups spinach (1 carb), 1/2 grapefruite (1 block carb)

Snack 10am: (1 block) 1oz steak, 5 baby carrots, 3 almonds

Lunch 1230pm (3 block) 3 oz chicken, 1 cup grapes, 5 baby carrots, 2 tbsp balsamic dressing

Snack 4pm (1 block) 1 oz steak, 5 baby carrots, 3 almonds

Dinner: 8 pm (4 blocks) 4 oz chicken, 4 tbsp mango salsa (1block), 3 cups broccoli, 12 Almonds

Strict Press (PR - 85 lb) 90% = 76.5 lb
65% x 5 = 50 lb
75% x 5 = 57 lb
85% x AMRAP = 65 lb

3 Rounds
15 Power Cleans (75lb)
25 Walking lunges (25lb)
25 Burpees
15 Ring Rows

25 minute run at 6.0-6.5
3x10 - strict pull ups on gravitron
3x10 - dips on gravitron

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 15 - Monday, January 17th

11:20 AM Breakfast - slept in oops! -
3 block Meal : 2.5 slices of low sodium bacon (fat), 3 eggs (3 protein block), 1 whole grapefruit (2 carb blocks), 2 tbsp ketchup (1 block carb)

Lunch 230 pm - 3 oz of chicken (3 blocks protein), 1 cup grapes (2 blocks carb), 2 tbsp balsamic (3 block fat), 5 baby carrots (1 block carb

dinner 800pm - 6oz Salmon (4 blocks protein), 3 cups broccoli ( 3 blocks carbs), 1/2 cup grapes (1 block carb), 12 Almonds (4 fat blocks)

10 blocks total today

warm up
3x10, pull up,  burpees, push up
Strength: Back Squat - PR 200#
90%= 180
65% x 5 =120
75% x 5 = 135
85%x AMRAP=155 (7)

WOD: "Epic Throwdown Gone Bad"
2 Rds 1 Min @ Each Exercise:
-Double Unders (1/2 Reps = Score)
-Row (Calories)
-Wallballs (20/14 @ 10ft)
-Straight Leg Sit Ups
-Box Jumps (20/16)
98/95 = 193 - 1 min rest then 19 thrusters for 1 minute


well i haven't blogged for a couple days because AZ turned into an EPIC Failure =( oh well, i got back yesterday and i'm ready to get back at it.

From here on out I will be doing Zone and trying to stay as paleo as possible while on it....
Here goes nothing =)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 11- 1/13/11 - day two in AZ

WOD: 530 AM

30 minute interval workout on the elliptical

10 minute AMRAP (as close as i could get to 5star's wod yesterday)
10 KBS (35 lb DB)
10 air squats
10 straight leg sit ups
10 pushups (new standard)
6 rds 5/0/0/0


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 10 - 1/12/11 - on the road to phoenix...
Breakfast- 530 am - 2 scrambled eggs and 1 orange
Snack 10 am - kind bar protein plus
Snack 12 pm- apple
snack 2 pm - kind bar protein plus

430- chicken salad ( grilled chicken, cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, fruit, and citrius-y  vinigerette)

700 - team dinner at 'north' -
app- 4 pieces a calimari, arugala, hummus and garlic bread
entree -ahi tuna rare, spinach, caulifllower puree
1 glass of merlot
4 bites of 4 different kinds of desserts :-/

all in all- i held very strong for a very long day of travel. 

no wod- rest day

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday, January, 11, 2011 - Day 9

Breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs and 1 organe
Snack - 1045 am - kind bar protein plus
lunch - 1245pm - chicken, grape, almond mixture with balsamic
snack - 4 pm - apple with 1 tbsp almond butter
Dinner -

MURN work out- aka at work today
stair master for 20 minutes on level 8 - my legs were burning by the end of it
3 sets of 10 strict pull ups on gravitron with 70lb assist
3 sets of 10 ring dips with 60 lb assist


Double Unders
Sit ups

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Breakfast: 7 am - 2 eggs scrambled with 1/2 grapefruit
Snack 1030 am - Kind Bar - Protein Plus
Lunch 1 pm - chicken, grape, almond mixture with 2 tbsp on balsamic
Snack: 4 pm- 1 medium gala apple with Almond butter
Dinner 9 pm- primal Jambalya

Back Squat:
PR - 200 lb - was expecting a bigger jump from previous 195lb

Quarter FGB
5 rounds
15 sec of 85 lb thrusters - 45 sec rest
15 sec of Pull ups ( purple) - 45 sec rest
15 sec of burpees - 45 Sec rest
90 total reps

January 9, 2011 Day 7

Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled and 1/2 grapefruit

snack - leftover fillet, a few cucumbers and tomatoes, and 1 apple slice

Snack - 1 bar

lunch: wendy's =( 1 single burger with french fries

Dinner: pizza

* we totally caved on the way home from Virginia.  with hungry kids we stopped at Wendy's and then we were home so late and already caved we just got pizza for dinner.  I felt guilty eating it but did enjoy it's deliciousness. I know i'll be able to get right back on it next week.

Rest day

January 8, 2011 Day 6

Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled, 1/2 grapefruit, and 2 small sausage links

Snack: apple with almond butter

lunch: Paleo Bison Chili

Snack: carrots and celery with humus

Dinner: Filet with onions and mushrooms, Salad and zucchini casserol. 3 glasses of red wine

WOD: 15 minute AMRAP
5 man makers (20 lb)
10 KBS (20 LB)
15 Walking Lunges (40lb)
20 straight leg sit ups
~ limited with the weight b/c we were at my parents weird gym in VA.  Sort of got fuzzy on the rounds but i think i was 4 or 5 rds  and 5/10/13/0

*felt pretty strong being away from home and sticking to our plan, very tempting though to be in a celebratory atmoshpere and want to partake.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sweet Potato Fries

Hi Guys - this is a simply yet very yummy treat for you.

slice up a sweet potato (or yam) in fry like shape (or whatever shape is easiet for you).

In a zip lock bag put sliced sweet potatoes, 1 tbsp olive oil, garlic powder and salt to taste. 

mix around for a few minutes until everything is coated

back in the oven at 375-400 for 20 minutes, flip fries and continue to bake until dersired tenderness (ie longer if you like them crunchy). Just be sure to watch them!

January 7, 2011 - Day 5

Breakfast 7 am - 4 oz steak and 1/2 grapefruit

Snack: kind bar protein plus

Lunch 1230 - chicken, almond, grape, mixture with 2 tbsp of balsamic dressing

*In reference to Shawn's Post on Warm- Ups and my movements that need improvemen:
1. Pull Ups
2. Wall Balls
4. I don't know what you'd call this but getting under the bar with heavey weight
5. Burpees (ie stop stepping up and always jump up)
7. Ring Dips

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6, 2011 - Day 4

Breakfast: 7am - 2 eggs scrambled with 1/2 a grapefruit

Snack: 1045 am - Kind Bar - protein plus

Lunch: 1230 - Chicken, grape, almond mixture -- no dressing b/c i forgot -- very dry

Snack: 230 one oragne

Dinner : 6 asparagus stalks, Chicken breast, and sweet potatoe fries (approx 1/2 a yam)

Rest day -- YAY - I've been feeling very fatigued and getting nasty headaches in the afternoon. I think it's just my body's adjustment to my regimented diet.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 5, 2011 - Day 3

7 am - 4oz of steak and 1 medium orange

1030am - Kind Bar - protein plus

1230 - 1.5 cup of chicken, red graps, and almond mixture with 2 Tbsp of Balsamic dressing

230 - 1 medium gala apple, 1 tbsp almond butter -- Had a killer migraine not sure if it's caffeine withdrawal or low sugar

8 pm -  Paleo Jumbalya from Mark's Daily Apple

WOD: 20 min AMAP -
5 burpees
10 wall balls
15 KBS
20 situps
7 rounds 0/0/0/0

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Paleo Bison Chili ~ this one is for Byron :)

  • 1 TBS olive oil
  • 2 lbs ground bison 
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • a whole bundle of Celery - i prefer to dice it but you can chop if you like
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 12 oz jar salsa....of course you could make that fresh if you want
  • 1 8 oz can of dieced tomatoes ( I get the kind with jalpanos for some extra kick for Scrappy)
  • 2 tsp cumin
  • 2 tsp chili powder
  • 2 tsp thyme leaves
  • 2 tsp sea salt

  1. Sautéthe Bison in a separate pan until cooked, drain out the fat 
  2. While doing set 1, also sauté over medium heat the onions, celery and garlic until onions are translucent about 3 or 4 minutes in a large pot. 
  3. Then you add the meat, cumin, thyme, and chili powder to veggies in big pot
  4. Stir in seasonings for about 1-2 minutes
  5. Then pour in the salsa, diced tomatoes and salt.
  6. Let this simmer for at least an hour. 
This is very yummy in my tummy.  This is my modified version from

January 4, 2011 - Day 2

Breakfast: 2 eggs and 1/2 grapefruit

Snack : Kind Bar - Protein PLus

Lunch: 1.5 cup of Chicken/Red Grape/Sliced Almond mixture w/ 1 TBSP of Balsamic dressing

Snack: 1 med Gala Apple and 1 TBSP Almond Butter

Dinner: Stir fry of carrots, onions, green pepper, 10 shrimp seasoned with garlic and Ms. Dash

Elizabeth : 10.34 - 80 lbs and Red band
Pull up work: 5 x with Red, 5 x with purple, 3x 2 real, 3x 2 real, 3x 2 real

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2011 - Day 1

Breakfast : 2 eggs and 1 orange

Lunch: Paleo Chicken Soup

Snack: Kind Bar - Protein Plus and an Apple

Dinner: Steak ( approximately 5 oz) and Asparagus ( 5 stalks)

WOD: Air Force 1 - 10.41 Rx
Lift OHS: 5 x @ 65lb, 3 x 85lb, 3 x 95lb, 1 x 115lb, 1 x 135 - fail, 1 x 130 lb fail -  no pr